Daniel J. Solove, George Washington University Law School, is publishing A Regulatory Roadmap to AI and Privacy as a GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper. Here is the abstract.
This short essay provides a regulatory roadmap to artificial intelligence and privacy. AI and privacy are deeply intertwined and have a complicated relationship with much overlap. AI can increase existing privacy problems, add dimensions and complexities to them, or remix them. Some attempts to regulate focus exclusively on AI, but doing this is like trying to remove weeds without digging up their roots. In stark ways, AI is showing the flaws in existing privacy laws. Instead of seeing AI as a unique situation, AI should be viewed as an opportunity to change course with privacy law generally. To address AI’s privacy problems, policymakers shouldn’t just pass new AI laws; they should also fix existing privacy laws. This essay briefly discusses the privacy problems raised by AI and how privacy law should be reformed to respond to these problems.
Download the essay from SSRN at the link.