Admittedly, this post is late (or early)...The wonderful blog Jack of Kent has these thoughts from last Hallowe'en (Oct. 31, 2012) on the links between law and magic:
Generally, most people are reasonable, and they think the law is reasonable, too. In the words made famous during WWII, they keep calm and carry on. More here. Great comments on the post from readers, too.In fact, magic and the law do have something in common – at least that part of magic which is concerned with spells and sorcery.
Other than in extreme situations, the stuff of law consists of words: words in statutes or in contracts, words said in court or in witness statements, and words in judgments and court orders.
Ultimately these words have the “real world” effect of being a prelude to, and justification for, the use of coercive power by one person on another. This can include the court attendant “taking you down” to the cells or the bailiff enforcing a court order at your door.
But such resorts to coercion happen at the margins: most people conduct their daily business on what they believe the law to say: “you can’t do that, there is a law against it” or “it is perfectly ok for me to do this, there’s no law against it”.
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