Newly elected Representative Anna Paulina Luna is demanding a retraction from Matt Tito, a friend of Roger Stone who once thought about running against Luna in a primary, for saying that she is a witch (a literal witch, not just an unpleasant woman). Luna says Tito accused her of practicing the dark arts on the Bubba the Love Sponge Show. Luna says she's a Christian, so accusing her of witchcraft is defamation. Tito says he didn't just make up the allegations. He heard them from other people. So, apparently, they must be true?
More here from The Daily Beast.
Rep. Luna isn't the first politician who has fought off allegations of the practice of witchcraft. Remember Christine O'Donnell, who ran for Senate in 2010? She "dabbled in witchcraft" but she said firmly that she never "joined a coven." More here from ABC News.