Seeker presents an image that has gone viral and that some believe shows a spirit leaving the body of an accident victim as he dies. The writer notes that the victim hadn't yet died when the image was taken (thus when the blur that some viewers think is the spirit appears). So, why the blur? Is the spirit just leaving early but still hanging around, waiting because it "knows" the outcome is bad and plans on leaving but waiting around to see what happens, like some kind of dematerialized looky-loo? Kind of rude, I think. I would want my spirit to stay until the very end, and then turn out the lights and lock up. Also, how does the spirit know whether the docs at the hospital might not pull off a miracle? Again, I hope my spirit isn't that arrogant, as in, "She's done for. Docs are clueless. I'm out of here." Seems sort of pushy. Don't tell me my spirit is clairvoyant, when I'm not. That's too depressing for words.
Other people (including me) don't see a ghost or spirit. Me, I see a lighter colored something, probably vegetation. More here from People Magazine. Over to you.