The FTC has filed a complaint against the makers of Pom Wonderful, that juice made from pomegranates (and other things) that is supposed to "help prevent or treat heart disease, reduce the risk of prostate cancer and overcome erectile dysfunction." Hmmm. Sounds like great stuff. But if one makes medical claims for one's product, one is supposed to get an okay from the Food and Drug Administration, and the Pom Wonderful folks did not. Hence the administrative proceeding. Another, obvious, problem, at least for me. Pom Wonderful sounds, well, just too wonderful. Heart disease, prostate cancer AND erectile disfunction? FTC complaint here.
Here's Pom's response, by the way. "We do not make claims that our products act as drugs,” the company said. “What we do, rather, is communicate, through advertising, the promising science relating to pomegranates. Consumers and their health providers have a right to know about this research and its results....We do not make claims that our products act as drugs....What we do, rather, is communicate, through advertising, the promising science relating to pomegranates. Consumers and their health providers have a right to know about this research and its results. It’s a shame that the government is unable to understand this fundamental distinction and instead is wasting taxpayer resources to persecute the pomegranate." All right, then.