Via the Ellusionist Blog, which is always fun to read, two particularly interesting stories today: one discussing a story from the Daily Oklahoman about a magician who uses non-disclosure agreements to try to make certain his crew doesn't reveal secrets, and another about John Hodgeman (The Daily Show)'s proposal to make Criss Angel the Treasury Secretary ("he'll levitate the economy.")An interesting idea. If we're (fancifully) going with magicians for the post, any suggestions for other nominees? David Copperfield? (he's got a metal in his name, at least). Maybe we need a magician/lawyer/mind reader.
Magic is something that fascinates a lot of people and has the capability of transporting the spectators from an ordinary world into that of fantasy and charm.
Posted by: Darryl Rose | October 21, 2013 at 03:19 AM