Neil Beagley, 16, died from the results of a blockage which could have been treated, say health officials. Instead, he chose to remain true to the tenets of his church, the Followers of Church, which practices faith healing. Under Oregon law, persons 14 and older can choose the kind of medical treatment they want, including alternative medical treatment or faith healing, or none at all. Mr. Beagley's cousin Ava Worthington died three months ago from an infection. She and her parents were also members of the church. But Ava was fifteen months old, and her parents now face a trial for manslaughter (under ORS 163.118: "Subsection (1)(c)(B) of this section that the child or dependent person was under care or treatment solely by spiritual means pursuant to the religious beliefs or practices of the child or person or the parent or guardian of the child or person.")